Is it really feasible to dedicate and entire hour to bottle feeding education? The truth is, I could probably fill two!

The impact of poor bottle feeding practice can be incredibly disruptive to family life and infant health, and yet it’s rarely discussed, and often overlooked as the source of infant woes.

This session will explore the critical importance of best practices in bottle feeding, identify common pitfalls to avoid, and provide straightforward explanations to ensure your clients grasp its importance. We will also explore alternative feeding methods for when a bottle might not be the most suitable option.

Grounded in the biological expectations of newborns, this session will offer practical tips for aligning with these natural instincts. We’ll discuss simple strategies to mimic natural design and ensure a healthy, happy experience for the infants in your care.

All educational sessions are currently scheduled when possible around my lactation work. Due to the nature of the role, they can sometimes pop up at short notice. For the moment, each opportunity will be posted to my dedicated CPD facebook page, which you can join below.

If you do not have facebook, or would prefer to receive an email, please use the form below to indicate which of the topics you are interested in, and to be emailed when those specific topics become available.