Are you looking for sleep support with a baby under 6 months old?
I don’t believe that young babies should be sleep trained. That being said, for some families there is a big gap between what would be considered to be normal infant behaviour, and what they are actually experiencing.
I often find that babies who wake frequently, sometimes hourly, and who appear to be windy, or hungry or just generally upset and unsettled, can have better sleep patterns with some adjustments to feeding.
This is where my expertise comes into play.
If you have previously sought support but are still experiencing difficulties, it is likely that your situation is more complex and requires specialist support.
Initially, you might find my WhatsApp service helpful. We will discuss your experiences and the steps you have taken to resolve the issues, and formulate a plan to help you try to encourage longer sleep windows. Alternatively, you may prefer an in-person visit for a more thorough feeding and oral assessment alongside support. In some cases, it may become apparent that there is an underlying cause outside my scope of practice. In these instances, I will help you find a reputable specialist and will continue to provide support throughout the process.