This session focuses on skills which will help you support your clients with pumping.

Clients may pump for a variety of reasons, including seperation, trauma, anxiety, breast health, milk management or for medical reasons. In understanding why they are pumping, we can better help them to meet their pumping goals.

We will look at the different types of pumps available, and when each type might be most appropriately used. We look at how to fit a pump and optimise the settings for maternal comfort, and address common issues. Then we move on to supporting women to maximise their pumping output, which includes when it might be best to pump, and for how long. This session wraps up by looking at tips and tricks to improve pumping experiences for your clients.

All educational sessions are currently scheduled when possible around my lactation work. Due to the nature of the role, they can sometimes pop up at short notice. For the moment, each opportunity will be posted to my dedicated CPD facebook page, which you can join below.

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