Tongue tie in any form, is the restriction of normal movement and function of a baby’s tongue.

Some forms of tongue tie are easier to spot than others, and no matter how they appear, the worry is whether the restriction is having, or will have a knock on effect as your babys grows. Common associations with tongue tie include newborn feeding issues, weight gain issues (or sometimes excessive weight gain), reflux, difficulty when weaning and sometimes impacted speach development. Even into adult life we may see issues continue, with tongue tie being linked to sleep apnea and dental issues.

Typically tongue tie should be something that the NHS can support you with, but not all midwives are trained to correctly identify tongue ties. The NHS also use something called a Tabby score to identify tongue ties, but as the scoring is based on appearance alone, sometimes hard to spot ties which are having an impact on the function (most commonly posterior ties) may be missed. It may be that you have been told that there is a ‘slight tie’ or that there is a tightness that they dont feel would impact feeding. Or perhaps you have been told that there is not a tie, when you feel that all the symptoms you are experiencing are commonly associated with a restriction. You may have even been told that your baby has a tongue tie, but that as your baby is bottle fed, they are unable to support you.

As an IBCLC, I am able to perform a thorough oral assessment and present my findings. I am not formally able to ‘diagnose’ a tongue tie, but I can certainly point out anything I find that might indicate one. I can support you with finding the right support (which may include the NHS or private options) and also provide you with some games and exercises you can play with your baby to support better oral function and mobility.

I will be able to provide you with evidence based information to support your decisions moving forward.

Many families have found that my WhatsApp service was enough to help them move in the right direction. Alternatively, you may prefer an in-person visit for a more thorough assessment alongside support. In some cases, it may become apparent that there is an underlying cause outside my scope of practice. In these instances, I will help you find a reputable specialist and will continue to provide support throughout the process.