Tongue tie is a condition that restricts the movement of an infant’s tongue, potentially leading to feeding difficulties both in the short and long term. While even I, as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), am not “allowed” to diagnose tongue ties, I firmly believe that all individuals who are supporting families with newborns should be able to identify symptoms and common signs of tongue tie, enabling families to seek appropriate referrals for formal diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.

This session will cover the common symptoms and presentations of tongue tie. We will discuss potential referral options for formal diagnosis and why it is important to seek this earlier rather than later. We will explore strategies to support families in the interim before treatment or if they choose not to pursue treatment, and look at simple games and exercises that can support better oral function, especially following treatment when a baby must adjust to their new oral mobility. Additionally, we will examine the conditions often referred to as “faux ties.” Finally we will look at what the long term effects of a togue tie might extend to. Through weaning, and learning to speak and looking beyond at the possible long term effects on adult health.

All educational sessions are currently scheduled when possible around my lactation work. Due to the nature of the role, they can sometimes pop up at short notice. For the moment, each opportunity will be posted to my dedicated CPD facebook page, which you can join below.

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